Short Story written by: Samuel Omar Sánchez Terán

Uncle Rabbit is visiting his cousin the mole at his big house far away from town. They haven´t seen each other in ages and hug for a long time.

Uncle Rabbit has brought a basket of fruit for his cousin who invites him into his house. The mole offers the rabbit a glass of orange juice and tells him the good news: “We have grilled vegetables for lunch!”

Uncle Rabbit looks at him excitedly, “Mmm, can´t wait to eat a delicious meal with my dear cousin.”

Short stories-the-mole-with-glasses

The two cousins finish eating and go out for a walk, Mole wants to show Uncle Rabbit his big vegetable garden near the house.

Cousin, you have a really nice vegetable patch,” – says Uncle Rabbit when he sees the yuccas, the corn crop and the orange trees; but something distracts him on the other side of the patch…

“Cousin, whose is that in your vegetable garden?” – Says Uncle Rabbit while checking the avocado and bean crops.

Mr. Simon has it well cared for,” –  Mole checked his crops; touching the corn and smelling the oranges.

“Delicious avocados for a salad…” – Uncle Rabbit sighed.

Mr. Simon was with his children when he saw the rabbit approach the fence; “There’s a rabbit plotting something I’m sure. I don´t trust him. Get into the house and make sure he sees you”.

Uncle Rabbit saw the kids go into the house and came out of his hiding place. He went up to the avocado crops; Mr. Simon hid behind the scrubs and then jumped out and..bang! he shot into the air with his shotgun. Uncle Rabbit nearly jumped out of his skin due to the fright and ran away without looking back.

The children laughed at the funny situation, as their father had taught the rabbit a lesson.

“Cousin, I told you, you shouldn’t have gone, look at you!” – said the mole.

They finally left the vegetable garden running and Uncle Rabbit had to put up with no avocados.




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