Short Story for Kids written by: Olga Blázquez Sánchez.

Once upon a time…

There was a Kid who did not believe in stories about magic. The world was just a mixture of pavements and cement. Everything was grey with fumes, and metal and concrete skyscrapers.

The kid, whom everybody called Walt, went to school everyday automatically.

Short stories -the magician and the magic umbrella

He used to leave his house, cross a zebra crossing when the traffic light was green, walk past a bakery and a fruit shop, turn right, and after ten steps turn left, then walk twenty steps straight-ahead before reaching the school door. And he did the same thing day after day, day after day…



The way back home was similar, if not even more monotonous. Then he would do his homework with a pencil, rubber and paper before going to sleep every day, knowing that the next day would be identical to the one before.

But one night, without knowing why. Walt had a dream. He had not had a dream for ages as according to responsible adults, dreams were not at all useful.

This was because dreaming is not productive and does not generate money. That is the reason why Walt was used to not dreaming. Well, for what? Nevertheless, that night, he dreamed and dreamed a strong dream, with his eyes tightly closed.

A Magician appeared in his dream, what a silly thing! A magician. It was clear that magicians did not exist. Magic was an invention, made up by people from the past. Now the world was grey and serious. Now, the world was a perfect machine that generated identical days.

In Walt’s dream the magician  had been very clear:

-“Walt, escape from this world of crazy people and come back to the magic of good sense: colours exist, reality is not mathematically designed. Many things can happen at the magic well”.

At that moment the alarm clock sounded.


Click here to read: THE MAGIC TELLER (SECOND PART) 

 Cuento infantil en español Cuento en español

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