Short Story for Kids…

It was a sad day, or that is what I felt; it was raining non stop, the sky was dark and I was in my room trying to do my homework, but I was not able to concentrate.

I observed the landscape for a while, and then, I looked for some information about our planet on the books, but I could not find anything good enough to write down my biology book. So I decided to relax a bit and go to ask my Grandmother later, she would know what to say about this lesson.


I was surprised of her nice greeting when I arrived, she did not use to be so cordial, then, I asked her help for my homework and she said:

– “What I first have to say is that our planet is not like this due to the weather; the pass of the generations is what has made this disaster. When I was a young girl living with my parents, we used to take care of the environment together and save water; never wasted electricity, and always put the litter at the correct place”…

– “So…Did you not have recycling campaigns or garbage control?”.

The streets were always clean, each one cleaned their respective parts in front of their houses, and recycling was not needed, because everybody was conscious and it was clean. But now, the families don´t know how to look after our resources, wasting water, energy, and everything nature gives us”.

-“Granny…Do you think is still time of changing people´s way of life to help the planet?”

-“Damage is done, but we won´t be those suffering the consequences, the next generations will. Anyway, it´s very important to talk about this to children, to make them aware about taking care of our planet, and so they will help to make their life better. It´s something basic that can make a big difference in our planet”.

– “Thank you! I knew you were going to give me nice advices!”.

The next day, I read my essay in biology class; the teacher liked it so much, that congratulated me and published one of my reflections at the school newspaper.



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