There was a pirate ship named “The Black Forest” that was sailed on the seas by only one pirate, Blackbeard.

The whole world knew who Blackbeard was. It was said that the pirate would capture people and kill them on the high seas.

Short stories - the pirates and the lost treasure

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Short Story written by: Roo.

John was a psychologist for disabled children. One day a boy called Marc visited him.

Marc told John that his father didn’t know how to take care of him. The psychologist listened carefully and then told him not to worry because he was going to help him.


The following week Marc came with his father. John talked to him about his son´s situation, but Marc´s father was not in the mood to listen, he was tired of the psychologist because had no work and couldn’t pay him.
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Once upon a time there was a clown who really loved swimming. He participated in important competitions all over the world.

He was a very good swimmer and he also dressed up as a clown in competitions, and that´s why everyone knew him as the swimmer clown.

clown swim

He was one of the best swimmers in the world, actually, and he won any competition he wanted, nevertheless, everybody knew what he did in every competition. Continue reading…


Once upon a time there was a musician called Jonas who used to compose songs at home with his recording equipment which included new microphones and loud speakers that he had just bought. Everything he loved was inside the “music room”.

One day, Jonas was recording a new song in his music room when a strange noise sounded from one of the new loud speakers.

elf, duende, magic

Jonas didn’t think much about it and continued tuning his instruments for his new song.

But after a few minutes he heard the noise again. “It seems like there is someone inside the loud speaker” – thought Jonas. So he checked the loud speakers but didn´t find anything and so continued working. Continue reading…


Short Story writen by Laura, 10 years old.

Once upon a time there were three kids that were poor and lived in a town near a big river. They were called Nicole, Charly and Mike and everyday they went out to beg for food.


The kids were really good and always helped their parents. One day a young woman passed by and saw the children. Continue reading…


Hannah was a turtle who lived in “Imagination forest”. One day she had a dream that felt real, so she decided to make it real when she woke up.

When her day began, she dressed up as a stone and went to the road that goes to “Calmed lake” and stayed there waiting. Only three people passed by that morning: “Daydream” the squirrel, “Lively” the butterfly and “Explorer” the deer.


“Daydream” was lost in thought and didn’t even notice that Hannah was there. “Lively” jumped over the flowers and dodged Hannah, and “Explorer” just smelled her and then left. Continue reading…


There once was a 14 year old girl named Naomi. Naomi loved animals in general and, although she had never had a dog, they were her favourite animal.

Every day on her way back home from school, Naomi would stop at a small park to say hello to a little puppy named Linda. Linda always went for a walk at that time with her owner.

Short Stories Chopi

“I wish I had a little puppy like Linda,” thought Naomi.

But Naomi didn´t know that a new member of her family was waiting for her back home. So just like every other day, she came running into the house, hung her back pack on the coat rack and went to the dining room, where her parents were waiting for her. Continue reading…


There was once a wicked man who wanted to kill all the good in the world, so he went around looking for all the fairies on the planet to lock them in a room from which they would never be able to escape. That way, good things would never exist again, and there would be only wickedness and darkness.

Randor, for that was the wicked man’s name, had managed to kidnap two fairies, Maria and Victoria, who were now imprisoned in that cold room where the sun’s rays never entered, for there were no windows and hardly any light came through the door.

Every day, the wicked Randor would go searching for the other fairies in the world. But the fairies knew that he was trying to kidnap them and kill all the good in the world, so they cast spells to become invisible and that way he wouldn’t find them.

Short stories - The wicked fairy kidnapper

Christie was a young fairy in charge of looking after the animals on the planet. Thanks to her magic potions, she created the necessary balance for them to survive any misfortunes. But unfortunately the young fairy didn’t know that the wicked Randor was pursuing all the fairies in the world, for she was a little scatterbrained.

So when Christie went into the forest to check on the animals and share her magic potions among them, Randor found her. He crept silently up to where she was, then leapt out at her and stuffed her into a sack to take back to the dark room from which she would never come out again. Continue reading…


There was once a monkey called Monty who lived on an island that was largely inhabited by other monkeys. The most important scientists on the planet had figured out that climate change would affect this island very badly, almost sinking it completely.

So each of the monkeys decided to build a house on the highest part of the island to protect themselves from the floods on the day the disaster would come. Monty had designed his house to withstand a very big flood, and this required very big rocks.

All the monkeys built their houses in just one day, and then spent the rest of their time playing cards and enjoying their new homes. They all laughed at Monty, because while they had already built their houses, Monty had only drawn some plans. But Monty was convinced that his house could survive any flood and although it might take a long time to build, it was worth the wait.

Short stories - the monkey and the rocks

So Monty moved only one big stone a day, which meant that his house took shape very slowly and the other monkeys continued to laugh at him. But Monty didn’t care, and went on building his house stone by stone.

After a few months, when the other monkeys had got tired of playing cards, Monty finished his house and very proudly threw a big party to which he invited all the monkeys on the island. Continue reading…