Short Story for Kids written by: Alarilla.

Toto was a nine year old boy, who really liked going to class because besides learning lots of things from different subjects, he could play with his friends.

His grandfather John was always taking him to school by the hand to protect him, because they had to cross a few streets where the cars used to go through very fast.

traffic sign short story

One day, going back home coming from school, they were about to cross one of the streets, when a car went through without respecting the zebra crossing and almost hit them.

Toto and his grandfather had a big fright, the car almost ran over them and the driver did not even stop to check if they were right.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Blanca Ibañez Garcia.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Mila, she was a genius, was studying at the university with only six years old. Her family was very rich, one day found out that her best friend, her cousin´s neighbor, had to move to Salzburg, because her parents were divorced, and had to go to live with her mother. They wanted to help in every possible way.

Short stories - Springtime and the flowers

Mila proposed her to stay with her at her house, she suggested her to think about it, Mila would love to be with her friend forever. She impatiently expected her friend´s news while was studying.

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Short Story for Kids written by: Gabriela Espin.

Once upon a time…

There were to siblings living with their granny. The oldest one, John, was very loud mouth and was always disturbing his little brother Josh; who was always crying because of that.

One day, their granny took them for a walk through the forest, and Josh stayed behind and got lost.


When their granny, and John realized that Josh was not behind them started to call him and to look for him everywhere, but they could not find Josh. So John look at the sky and said:

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Short Story for Kids…

It was a sad day, or that is what I felt; it was raining non stop, the sky was dark and I was in my room trying to do my homework, but I was not able to concentrate.

I observed the landscape for a while, and then, I looked for some information about our planet on the books, but I could not find anything good enough to write down my biology book. So I decided to relax a bit and go to ask my Grandmother later, she would know what to say about this lesson.


I was surprised of her nice greeting when I arrived, she did not use to be so cordial, then, I asked her help for my homework and she said:

– “What I first have to say is that our planet is not like this due to the weather; the pass of the generations is what has made this disaster. When I was a young girl living with my parents, we used to take care of the environment together and save water; never wasted electricity, and always put the litter at the correct place”…

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Short Story for Kids written by: Sandy Romina Cordova (Ecuador)

Once upon a time, there were two siblings that were always fighting for many reasons, but the principal reason was because one of them was always taking the other´s things.

It was really annoying to hear them screaming and fighting every time because of everything.


One day, the two siblings were alone at home. Their aunt had gone with their mom to their big sister´s job, because she could not handle with it alone, because she was studying at the same time.

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Short Story for Kids written by: Laurita Vaquera (12 years old).

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Betty, who had a magic fairy called Mimi. One day, Betty arrived home from school, and found a cake at her house´s door, she loved cakes, so took it and brought it home.

She wanted to give Mimi a piece of the cake, but could not resist the temptation anymore and ended up eating the whole cake. But, what she did not know was that it was Mimi who had left the cake at the door.


Suddenly she sighed:

“Ooh! I would love to have a new school bag…”

And…a new school bag appeared. Betty was shocked, and said again:

“Ooh! I would love to have a Barbie…”

A barbie appeared suddenly. And she realized that the cake was magic.

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Short Story written by: Zoila Mariano Faillace

There were three friends who really liked spend time together, but one of them was black, and wanted to be white. One of his friends investigated how to turn his friend into a white kid, and found out that there was faraway town where the sea could change the skin color of those swimming in it.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Alexia.

It was a given saturday when Jacob decided to be a volunteer fireman. He knew that his parents were not going to agree, because were very ambitious, used to put money ahead of other things.

Jacob had a dream and wanted to fulfill it, even though he was not going to earn money. What he really cared was to be supportive and help those most in need.

Short stories - Cuthbert the fireman clown

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Short Story written by: Marina Elisabeth Velasquez (Guatemala)

It was a nice summer day, it was very hot and Bobby, a very naughty boy, had nothing new to do and so was very bored. Bored of being inside the house, went to the backyard to try to catch some insects to begin a collection. Got a jar, a little spade, and a little net to hunt butterflies.

He had got some animals, but wanted many more, was so enthusiastic getting insects at the garden, that decided to go further to discover what kind of animals were outside the house. Suddenly saw a butterfly with the colors of the rainbow and decided to include it in his collection. He was so anxious of getting the butterfly, that went to the deepest part of the mountain without realizing it. Finally, the butterfly lied on a ceiba tree trunk that had a big hole in the middle, and the butterfly went inside the hole.


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