Short Story written by: Judith

Once upon a time there was a naughty girl called Helen, she was beautiful and didn´t like to go to bed.


Short stories - The day and the nigth


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Short Story written by Emmanuel Castañeda Cardona.

There was a child called Peter who really loved playing. One day he found a bag of gold coins and started spending the money without telling his parents.

After a week, Peter heard on the radio that somebody had lost a bag of gold coins. When Peter heard the news he told his mother what was going on and that he had spent half of the coins.


Short stories - Lawrences-toy


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Short Story written by: Gentil

Once upon a time something incredible happened, and it all began with a man was sat on a stone in the middle of a road all alone. He was called Aquiles and he looked very sad. He had no friends and it seemed like nobody cared about him. He had never had a friend.

Neither did he have parents or brothers or sisters, so life for him was very difficult. He thought that nobody would miss him.


But one day he realised that he wasn´t alone. There was a young boy staring at him. The boy was very handsome. Aquiles asked him what he was doing, and the boy said that he was waiting for him. Aquiles, shocked, asked him “But, who are you?”- and the young boy smiled and said:  Continue reading…


Inside a crystal ball lived two colleagues that didn´t get along very well. They were called Addition and Subtraction.

Addition had a positive mind and was always counting numbers from zero: “zero, number one, number two, number three, number four…”- And Subtraction always asked her: “What are you doing?” – and Addition would answer: “I’m counting the numbers from zero”.

Short stories - The new boy in class

Subtraction didn´t understand anything. She thought that Addition was crazy because for Subtraction everything was sad, because she had to count back: “10, 9, 8, 7, 6…” – and Addition asked her: “What are you doing?” – “I am subtracting the numbers from 10“. Addition thought that subtraction was crazy. Continue reading…


Once upon a time there was a 5 year old boy called Gary who was scared of going out at night because he thought that the moon was going to fall from the sky.

His parents always said: “You don´t have to be scared, the moon won´t fall.”

Gary didn’t know why, but he was very scared and imagined the moon falling and crushing him.


Halloween arrived and Gary´s parents insisted that he go out and have fun with his friends, Gary accepted this and went out but never took his eyes off the moon…  Continue reading…


Every year in October, when autumn arrives Elmy gets very sad and stops smiling.

Elmy was a young perishable tree who loved having fun and joking with the other trees in the park where he lived. But every year when autumn arrived, Elmy’s leaves started to fall and he became sad.



One day one of his friends decided to throw him a surprise party to cheer him up. Soon, everything was ready for the party. Continue reading…


Short Story written by: Laura (11 years old)

Once upon a time, there were two very special dogs, that had an incredible power. Ron and Harry, (that was their names) could talk to people.

They were still very young, only four months old. Ron was a boxer and Harry was a labrador. They were both very good and smart puppies.

Short Stories Chopi

Nevertheless, the family who they were living with, abandoned them, leaving them alone on the street. The following day, a young couple, George and Lorrain passed by that same street and saw them. Continue reading…


Every day, John went out to the garden to cut the grass and water the plants.

John really liked to take care of his garden and also to clean his statues of elves and smurfs.

blue smurf

So, in order to cut the grass, he would first go to an outhouse full of wood, where he kept his tools. one day, when he turned on the light he realised that the ceramic statue of the blue smurf was not in the same place, but he didn’t take much notice and took the lawnmower and went out to his garden. Continue reading…


Once upon a time there was a musician called Jonas who used to compose songs at home with his recording equipment which included new microphones and loud speakers that he had just bought. Everything he loved was inside the “music room”.

One day, Jonas was recording a new song in his music room when a strange noise sounded from one of the new loud speakers.

elf, duende, magic

Jonas didn’t think much about it and continued tuning his instruments for his new song.

But after a few minutes he heard the noise again. “It seems like there is someone inside the loud speaker” – thought Jonas. So he checked the loud speakers but didn´t find anything and so continued working. Continue reading…