Every year in October, when autumn arrives Elmy gets very sad and stops smiling.

Elmy was a young perishable tree who loved having fun and joking with the other trees in the park where he lived. But every year when autumn arrived, Elmy’s leaves started to fall and he became sad.



One day one of his friends decided to throw him a surprise party to cheer him up. Soon, everything was ready for the party. Continue reading…


Once upon a time there was a horse called Mushry. His parents named him Mushry when they found out that his body was full of mushrooms.

He didn´t worry about the mushrooms when he was small, it was normal for him. But when he grew and started school, other horses made fun of him and Mushry felt really alone.


One day, a horse called Tommy approached Mushry and said: “Hi Mushry, do you want to be my friend?” – “Of course!”- said Mushry, and they started to talk together. Tommy asked him about the mushrooms on his body and Mushry told him his story. Continue reading…


Once upon a time there was a doll sitting on a shelf in a girl´s room. The girl was called Sophie and the doll was Poppy and she was Sophie´s favourite doll.

Poppy loved to sit on the shelf and look out over the room full of things and at her friend Sophie who Poppy really loved.


One day Sophie forgot to close the window before going to class, and Poppy caught a cold. Continue reading…


Short Story written by: Ana Maria Amarfil

Every year a Big circus comes to the city, We the children are anxious to see the big lion opening his big mouth and showing his teeth.

The lion tamer is a tall, young man that puts his head into the lion´s mouth while all the women and children scream.

Children´s stories - THE SUN CIRCUS CLOWN

We all think that the lion is going to bite him, but the young tamer takes his head out of the lion´s mouth and smiles and we all feel relieved. Continue reading…


Our friend Jamie the elephant used to go with his friends from school to play instruments when he was younger.

One day, Jamie went to Annie´s house, one of his musician friends and when he was walking through the park, a little insect got inside his trunk.


Jamie could not stop sneezing and asked for help because he was scared that he wouldn’t be able to play the trumpet again. Continue reading…


Short Story written by: Laura (11 years old)

Once upon a time, there were two very special dogs, that had an incredible power. Ron and Harry, (that was their names) could talk to people.

They were still very young, only four months old. Ron was a boxer and Harry was a labrador. They were both very good and smart puppies.

Short Stories Chopi

Nevertheless, the family who they were living with, abandoned them, leaving them alone on the street. The following day, a young couple, George and Lorrain passed by that same street and saw them. Continue reading…


Lucy, a 6 year old girl had a very strong personality and always listened to other people’s advice. Since she was small, she accepted advice from older people, but what she didn’t like at all was to obey orders.

She was always put in a bad mood when her parents ordered her to tidy up her room, or clean the table, and her parents didn’t want her to have that attitude.


So Lucy´s parents planned to make Lucy more obedient by taking advantage of the fact that she liked to take other people’s advice. Continue reading…


In Space where the stars shine exist planets, and some smaller spheres that rotate around those planets. These spheres are called satellites.

The protagonist of this story is a satellite that rotates around planet Earth, and is called “The Moon”.

moon, bird

The moon is a big sphere, that used to be very arrogant and vain. She thought that she was the only moon in the universe, and she always thought: “I am the best! The only one chosen by the universe to exist!”. Continue reading…


Every day, John went out to the garden to cut the grass and water the plants.

John really liked to take care of his garden and also to clean his statues of elves and smurfs.

blue smurf

So, in order to cut the grass, he would first go to an outhouse full of wood, where he kept his tools. one day, when he turned on the light he realised that the ceramic statue of the blue smurf was not in the same place, but he didn’t take much notice and took the lawnmower and went out to his garden. Continue reading…


Short Story writen by: Alba

Once upon a time there was a girl called Karla, she was very shy. One day her father King Marcus ordered her to clean and prepare the guest bedrooms for visitors that were coming from the city.

Short stories - Springtime and the flowers

Karla´s mother was a strict and always ordered Karla to do lots of things such as washing the dishes, tidying up the room and taking out the trash. Continue reading…