Short Story written by: Martina Jazmín Rivero

Once upon a time there was a giant girl called Molly living alone in her enormous palace in the middle of the forest.

One day something unexpected happened. She arrived home after her daily walk with her friend the dragon and lots of men, as tiny as peas were waiting for her inside the palace. 

Short stories - The princess and the dragon

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Peter´s grandma was always telling fantasy and imaginary stories that she claimed were real.

One of Peter´s favorite stories was the one about the unicorn. His granny told him that she went once to the river for a walk and there was a beautiful unicorn drinking from the river. She described the unicorn as beautiful and magic, with two big wings and a colourful horn and that when she saw him, he was talking with a mermaid swimming in the river.


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Short Story written by: Maria Abreu

Once upon a time there was a prince who felt really lonely and used to go every afternoon to sit in his garden and write sad poems.

He was so sad and concentrated on his poems that he never stopped to look at his beautiful garden, and didn´t realise that there was a fairy behind the roses observing him every afternoon.


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Short Story written by: Esperanza

Helen lived in a cute little house in the forest with her brother Sam and her parents.

Her father, John, really loved the forest. He took care of it, fed the animals, planted trees and cleared up. He really enjoyed his job, taking care of nature and the environment, keeping the forest clean and beautiful.

Short stories - The wicked fairy kidnapper


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Short Story written by: Xavier Catalán Aznar

Sinta was a green star, (strange, huh?) Well, not all stars are white, Sinta was green and one of the most beautiful stars you would ever see.

It was intensely green coloured due to all the trees living on it, trees covering the star, special trees, tall, strong and magic!

The princess of Sinta, Bibi, and her friends Jango and Solo, lived there and always took care of her. Bibi was beautiful, she had one eye, green hair, three ears, four legs and four arms. Ok, I guess you might be thinking how can she be pretty, but I can guarantee thaT she was the most beautiful living creature there.


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Short Story written by: Pedro Pablo Sacristán

Peter was a very shy kid who hated birthday parties with other children as he was not able to talk to anyone and did not enjoy them at all. At one of the parties he couldn’t handle it any more and went into a room to hide.

He was sitting on the bed, angry with him self for not being able to talk to anyone, when a little green goblin who was covering his ears appeared in front of him:

Short stories - The little boy and the almonds

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Short Story Written by: Belkis (Panama)

There was a 14 year old girl called Shoshanna who lived with her parents in a big house in the countryside.

One day her family ran out of money and had to move to her grandpas´ house.

She liked living there. While her parents were working and after school she would go outside into the garden with her grandma to water the plants.

Childrens stories - The adventures of Lola

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Short Story written by: Brissa

There was a beautiful girl called Juliet who had blue eyes and blonde hair.

One day she went to the park with her grandparents to spend some time with them while her mother was working.

So, the three of them were in the park, and Juliet was enjoying playing with other kids, running around and gathering flowers as her grandparents looked on from where they sat relaxing in the shade of a tree.


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